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aşağıdaki alana giriniz” şeklindeki birçok CAPTCHA

yeterliliğini kaybetmeye başlamıştı. Google, yeni

bir CAPTCHA sisteminin gerekliliğini fark ederek

yılda yaklaşık 1.2 trilyon sorgunun yapıldığı arama

motorundaki verileri ve makine öğrenimi, yapay

zeka gibi teknolojileri kullanarak sürekli gelişen,

kullanıcının sadece cevabının doğruluğunu değil

cevabı verirken izlediği yolu da ölçen bir sistem

oluşturdu. SBM bünyesindeki sorgu sayfaları da

adı reCAPTCHA V2 olan bu sistem ile entegre

çalışacak şekilde düzenlenerek ziyaretçilerin

risk seviyelerine uygun sıklık ve zorlukta

CAPTCHA’ların ekranda belirmesi sağlandı.

Entegre edilen yeni sistem kullanıcı geri bildirimleri

ile yeniden şekillendirilerek; kullanıcı tepki süresi,

fare hareketleri gibi parametrelerin yanı sıra SBM

servislerinin kullanımmiktarını da hesaba katarak

hem daha güvenli hem de daha kullanıcı dostu

hale getirildi.

the need for a new CAPTCHA system and generated

a new procedure, which not only assesses the

correctness of the response given by the user but

also measuring the preferred route of the response

at the same time, thanks to its search engine

data with nearly 1.2 trillion searches annually

besides making use of machine learning, artificial

intelligence etc. technologies at hand. The query

pages of SBM now will operate in integration with

this new system reCAPTCHA V2 developed by

Google whereas CAPTCHA checks shall be active

in the frequency and difficulty proportional to the

risk level of the respective visitor. The new system

integrated to SBM infrastructure is re-modeled

basing on the user feedbacks whereas, accordingly,

made more safe and user friendly taking into

account the SBM service using times as well as

the user response times, mouse movements etc.

parameters.had started to loose their effectiveness.

Aware of the need for a totally new CAPTCHA

system, Google developed a new system that

continuously develops itself and verifies not only

the correctness of the user’s response but also the

path the user follows when giving a response, using

data from its search engine which handles around

1.2 trillion inquiries per year as well as technologies

like machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Recently, SBM inquiry pages as well have been

re-configured to integrate with this new system

allowing CAPTCHAs with frequency and difficulty

levels based on risk levels of visitors to appear on

the screen. The newly integrated system has also

been reshaped based on user feedback and has

been made more secure and more user friendly by

taking into account SBM service usage levels as well

as parameters like user response times and mouse
